kEngkAwaN saYe

09 June 2010

lelaki memang...........

xpaham ngan makhluk sorang nie...aihhh

xder angin, xder ribot, tetibe je xmsg..
bile sy msg, xreply...
bile kol byk kali, xagkat...
bile tny nape, xjawab, cakap xder pape...

ape lak yg xder pape...da mcm len mcm je....
cube la kalo org tny tu, jawab...
sharing is caring..bukannye xtny...(nie apesal aku emo sgt nie....)

tup2, kua lak status mcm nie.. :
"most complicated week in my life.esk nk anta mak g umrah.project nk disiapkan.client nk kna kjar.nk pindah umah lg.hati bebelah bagi dpt ofer laen.gua rasa nk pengsan berguling msuk lori.ade org plak asik bebel dan bikin kusut n everythin is about her.haish~"
huh....what do u meant bout dat??
bebel??bile lak bebel nie...agkat phone pon xnk....
bikin kusut?? kang kalo xtny cakap x caring lak...
everythin is about her??hah??im dat mean that im some sort of 'beban' to u??~~~~~~~~~~~~

ntah la...xpaham tol ngan kaum lelaki nie...
susah...pening kepala...
da la..kang maken tulis, maken byk lak pk,
maken byk pk, mule la benda2 mengarot yg kua...
nk kene pi keje nie,...

hopefully, today i'll be better...

p/s: saye bengong...


  1. die wat lg ke yang? ish3! babab kang! cian syg i nih~ sabo ea yang~

  2. sometime, man some space, & when he does need that, he is in serious trouble. the solution to that? let them be n wait till they find you..

    well, my experience.. tp kite pmpuan mmg cmtu, mesti nk tahu kenapa..

    that's y men are from mars & we (women) are from venus, aliens from a different planet that try to live together because they complete each other..fair n square..heh

  3. memang memang memang memang memang..... eh ko jgn emo2 sgt....control cun ain...hehe

  4. nisa...nie memang xder nk control ayu lg nie...memang da emo da..heheh

  5. Frm my experience klu die dh cool down & masalah die dh selesai, die akn carik kte balik sooner or later if kte mmg penting dlm hidup die. sabar ye.. u'll know him better after this problem settle.. ;)
